Will I Be Sad Forever?

Here’s some good news and some bad news: feelings are temporary, all of them.

The comfortable ones and the uncomfortable ones will all eventually pass. This is why constantly pursuing happiness leaves us disappointed.

You will never be sad all the time, you will never be happy all the time,

This reality may bring you comfort in moments of struggle. It may be a huge bummer when things are going well.

Opting Out Of The Pursuit Of Happiness

The first thing we can do is copy out of the constant quest for happiness. I know it sounds counterintuitive. How will I ever be happy if I’m not pursuing happiness?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • If happiness is the key to a meaningful life, why are so many of us still miserable?

  • Has the constant pursuit of happiness actually brought you more happiness?

  • What have been the happiest moments of your life? Were there any other emotions present during these moments?

What To Pursue Instead Of Happiness

  • a life that has meaning

  • fulfillment

  • your values

A life that has meaning will be both painful and joyful. Spend time with people who mean something to you, do things with intention, look at what brings meaning and value to your life.

Fulfillment will make you feel more peace. Do the things that matter to you and fill you up. They won’t always be fun or easy.

Your values are your guide through life. They help you set your goals and create a life is that meaningful and fulfilling.

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Whitney Goodman