Are You Doing Too Much?: Over-functioning To Manage Your Mental Health

Many people who struggle with their mental health actually end up over functioning & doing too much. It’s very hard to tell they’re struggling.

This may happen because:

  • they’re in denial

  • being busy is a coping strategy & distraction

  • letting people see their pain would be worse

  • success and achievements are how they define their worth

I know when we imagine someone struggling with their mental health we typically think of a person in a dark room, isolating, and not accomplishing anything. This is what is typically represented in media, on TV, etc. While some mental health diagnoses can manifest for some people in this way - many of the high achievers we know are actually using being busy and achieving to cope.

This may show up as:

  • constant fixation on routine and an inability to break away from the routine

  • tying your identity to what you do and experiencing a sense of failure when you don’t accomplish everything

  • feeling like you can't stop “doing” or your world will crumble

  • constantly feeling like you’re on edge and needing to get things done

If you’re over-functioning to manage your mental health, here are a few reminders:

Is over-functioning your only coping skill? Therapy can help you learn how to slow down. I offer individual and relationship counseling and therapy for Florida residents online. If you don’t live in Florida, I can’t work with you (sorry!). I am accepting new clients beginning October 2021 - you can email me here.

  • I host a monthly webinar on Zoom. Each month I pick a different topic and you can donate as little as $1 to attend. Here are my upcoming webinars.

  • Each week I post a new blog article on my website (just like the one you’re reading here).

  • I also send out a weekly email newsletter. My newsletter is the best way to stay in touch and make sure you never miss a new course or other offering! You can sign up here.

As always, thank you so much for reading. I am so grateful for each and every one of you! See you here next week.

PS. If there’s something you’d like me to write about, send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.


Whitney Goodman